Kongsberg Remus Auv. With a track record second to none the REMUS 100 is the only compact AUV to be selected by the US. 2017 Naval Exhibitions Dates.
Photo by Chris Linder Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Remote Environmental Monitoring UnitS or REMUS vehicles are low-cost autonomous underwater vehicles AUVs designed by the Oceanographic Systems Lab to operate with a simple laptop computer. Shipped a complete REMUS 6000 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle AUV system to the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences IFM-GEOMAR in Kiel Germany. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientific User.
Proven imaging packages large AUVs like the Kongsberg HUGIN for for long range imaging.
The man-portable class 36 kg REMUS 100 AUV is used by the US. In September of 2008 Hydroid Inc. Naval Oceanographic Office Summary. The AUV has the ability to travel farther go deeper and carry a more complex set of sensors but it boasts the same proven software and electronic subsystems found in the highly successful REMUS 100 AUV.